Dr. Aparna Rao †
Publikationen (Auswahl)
Rao, Aparna, Monika Böck and Michael Bollig (eds.)
2005. The Practice of War: The Production, Reproduction and Communication of Armed Violence. Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books.
Madan, Triloki N. and Aparna Rao (eds.)
2005. The Valley of Kashmir: The Making and Unmaking of a Composite Culture? Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books & Delhi: Manohar.
Berland, Joseph C. and Aparna Rao (eds.)
2004. Customary Strangers: New Perspectives on Peripatetic Peoples in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Westport, CT/London: Praeger.
Rao, Aparna and Michael J. Casimir (eds.)
2003. Nomadism in South Asia. Oxford in India. Readings in Sociology and Social Anthropology. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Böck, Monika and Aparna Rao (eds.)
2000. Culture, Creation, and Procreation: Concepts of Kinship in South Asian Practice. Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books.
Rao, Aparna
1998. Autonomy: Life Cycle, Gender, and Status among Himalayan Pastoralists. Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books.
Orywal, Erwin, Aparna Rao und Michael Bollig (Hg.)
1996. Krieg und Kampf: Die Gewalt in unseren Köpfen. Berlin: Reimer Verlag.
Casimir, Michael J. and Aparna Rao (eds.)
1992. Mobility and Territoriality: Social and Spatial Boundaries among Foragers, Fishers, Pastoralists and Peripatetics. Oxford: Berg Publs.
Rao, Aparna
1988. Entstehung und Entwicklung ethnischer Identität bei einer islamischen Minderheit in Südasien. Bemerkungen zur Geschichte der Bakkarwal im westlichen Himalaya. Berlin: Das arabische Buch (Occasional Papers 18).
Rao, Aparna (ed.)
1987 The Other Nomads. Peripatetic Minorities in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Kölner Ethnologische Mitteilungen, Bd. 8. Köln: Böhlau Verlag.