Johanna Treidl, M.A.
Short Biography
Johanna Treidl is a PhD student at the University of Cologne. Under the supervision of Prof. Michael Bollig, she is working on gender relations in the context of marshland transformation in rural Rwanda.
Marshlands mostly are situated in the valley bottoms of the hilly country and cover about 10% of the country's surface. For many Rwandans the fertile marshland soil, which does not require a lot of irrigation, serves as an important food and income source during the dry season. In her research, Johanna Treidl closely investigates the impact of recent marshland and agriculture policies on how rural communities can access and use these valuable, state-owned lands. A major focus is placed on gender and power relations within marshland cooperatives, since the new Land Law of 2005 no longer entitles individuals, but only cooperatives, to marshland plots.
Before that, Johanna Treidl was working as a research assistant in the Project "Migration(s) in textbooks – A critical analysis by students, teachers and researchers" funded by the Sparkling Science Program of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research (BMWF).
Johanna Treidl has completed her MA studies in the fields of Social and Cultural Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Vienna.
Thematic Interests and Regional Focus
Gender, political ecology, socioeconomics, intersectionality, post-colonial studies, human-environment relationship
Sub-Saharan Africa (Rwanda, South Africa and Mali)
Research Projekt
GlobE – Wetlands in East Africa: Reconciling future food production with environmental protection.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; FKZ: 031A250 A-H) and co-financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig, University of Cologne; Dr. Clemens Greiner, University of Cologne.
Courses and Seminars
Winter 2016/17: Zeit- Geschlecht – Kultur – Macht
2018: “The Rwandan Agrarian and Land Sector Modernisation: Confronting Macro Performance with Lived Experiences on the Ground.” Review of African Political Economy 0 (0): 1–24, (together with An Ansoms, Giuseppe Cioffo, Neil Dawson, Sam Desiere, Chris Huggins, Margot Leegwater, Jude Murison, Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka, and Julie Van Damme).
2018: “Sowing Gender Policies, Cultivating Agrarian Change, Reaping Inequality? Intersections of Gender and Class in the Context of Marshland Transformations in Rwanda.” Antropologia 5 (1 N.S): 77–95.
Treidl Johanna (2016): "How to load a marshland on a plane and export it to Europe" – Rwandan farmers' experiences with marshland policies and private investors. Presentation at the DVLP PhD-Seminary "The production of subjectivity under neo-liberal governance", Université Catholique de Louvain, April 2016.
Treidl Johanna (2015): "Experimentierzone 'Wetland' - Agrarreformen, Modernisierungsbestrebungen und Ruandas Versuch ein Land zu versöhnen" beim Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Subsaharisches Afrika, Universität zu Köln, November 2015.