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Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology



Opening hours during the winter term (7th October 2024 till 31st January 2025):

Monday to Thursday 9 - 19 h
Friday closed!


ATTENTION: in the winter semester 2024/25 the "60 Minutes in Ethnography, Theory, Anthropology" will take place Wednesdays (14-15h) on several dates in the library. There will be limited workstations available during this time  but borrowing and returning items will be possible. The exact dates can be found here.

Upcoming Events | Autumn 2024

Anmelde-Deadline 15.10.2024 !

Projektseminar „Forschungslücke schließen: Repräsentation und Dekolonialisierung im Fairen Handel”

 in Kooperation mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Fairer Handel. Erforschen Sie die Wahrnehmung der Bildsprache von Fairtrade Produkten in der BIPoC Community und untersuchen Sie, ob & inwieweit policy Dokumente, Gesetzgebungen und Handelsabkommen postkoloniale Strukturen reproduzieren >> anmelden in KLIPS

Power Your Life: Wissenschaft trifft Praxis

Anmeldung bis zum 01.11.2024 | Auftaktveranstaltung am 21.11.2024

Aus einer Vielzahl von semesterbegleitenden Projekten wählen und praktische Erfahrungen in renommierten Unternehmen und Institutionen vor Ort sammeln - z.B. durch Mitarbeit in einem Projekt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Anmeldeformular und ausführliche Informationen finden Sie hier >>

Highlights from the past semester

EUniWell 2023 | Decentering Epistemologies for Global Well-Being

This Virtual Online International Collaborative Exchange (VOICE), was organized by six coordinators and six facilitators of the Universities of Birmingham, Cologne and Leiden in Europe, Nairobi, Rabat and Western Cape in Africa.

Participants were invited to write individual and collective blogs published on the University of Birmingham webpage.

Read selected posts from students and researchers of DoSCA (UoC) >>>

Franziska Busche's short film "Trans-Hate on Your Phone"

was created as part of Anna-Lisa Ramella's Master's seminar "Multimodal Methods for Fieldwork and Ethnography" (Summer 2023). The film was submitted to the "Educational Film Festival" in Tromsø, where it was awarded "Best Student Film".

The film  is designed to be watched on a mobile phone. Read more and watch on youtube >>

News on Current Research Activities

NEW ! Cologne Working Papers in Cultural and Social Anthropology, KAE 9

Combining historical and ethnographic methods:
Theoretical, methodological, and ethical implications

Edited by Sofie Steinberger, Lena Rüßing and Gerda Kuiper

In 2021, a group of historians and cultural and social anthropologists formed the interdisciplinary working group Entanglements of Historical and Ethnographic Research (Approaches).  This publication is a result of their discussions. Read more and download the working paper >>